A COVID-19 Pandemic Influence on the Psychosomatic Condition of Emergency Medical Services Outreach Group Members





pandemic COVID-19, psychological aspects, stress, communication, service performances


The paper deals with current issues of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychosomatic condition of members of field groups of Emergency Medical Services in the Czech Republic.  The aim of this work was to define the effects of a coronavirus pandemic. A non-standardized anonymous questionnaire was used for data collection, where the criterion for selecting respondents was the employment relationship with the emergency medical services in the Czech Republic and deployment during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research sample consisted of 143 respondents.  Research questions were identified regarding the specific factors influencing the psychosomatic status of these individuals and their views on the perception of the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

He was examined influence pandemic COVID-19 that the brought due to the high workload, due to fatigue, exhaustion, overload, despair, mood swings, burnout, concerns about one's health and the infection of family and loved ones. The effect of the pandemic on the patients' psyche and the factors entering and subsequently determining the process providing pre-hospital care were also mapped. The acquired data are graphically processed and compared with the literature and the statistics from the Ministry of Health of Czech Republic. This article also includes information on the possibilities of professional assistance for employees of the emergency medical service and recommended procedures for managing negative phenomena occurring during the provision of pre-hospital care.


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How to Cite

Ralbovská, D. R., Argayová, I., & Ralbovská, D. C. (2022). A COVID-19 Pandemic Influence on the Psychosomatic Condition of Emergency Medical Services Outreach Group Members. Health & Caring, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.46585/hc.2022.1.1729



Primary research