Nursing Students' Educational Frameworks and Competency Areas Related to Patient Safety: An Integrative Review
nursing students, educational frameworks, areas of education, patient safetyAbstract
Background: The topic of patient safety is not explicitly specified in undergraduate nursing education in many countries. Aim: To identify educational frameworks in the available relevant literature and summarise educational domains related to patient safety for nursing students. Methods: Integrative literature review. The search was conducted in three scientific databases namely PubMed, Scopus and ProQuest in November 2022. A total of 410 records were retrieved. The screening process was reflected through the PRISMA diagram. The search resulted in six studies from which the educational domains were extracted, and the thematic summarization was subsequently performed. Results: Nursing educational frameworks were divided into general and specific. The common feature of all frameworks is the educational domains related to the provision of safe care. Based on their integration into the curricula, nursing students should be educated in the following areas: safety; patient safety culture; teamwork; communication; evidence-based practice; patient-centered care; adverse events; human and system factors; awareness; quality of care; specific problems and others. Conclusion: An integrative review conducted may be useful for incorporating the identified learning domains into undergraduate nursing education. However, the first stage should be a rigorous analysis of the nursing programmes curricula.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniela Bartoníčková
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Accepted 2023-11-30
Published 2023-12-18